The History of Blogging: Example from the 1700’s

No, I am not crazy.  I do realize that on the 1700’s, they did not blog. There was no Internet, no vehicle from which to instantly publish ideas and thoughts about the world.

In a way though, the idea of blogging did exist.  Done differently, sans technology used today, they did indeed have their own way of heralding information and ideas.

Samuel Johnson, the English author, biographer and critic was someone I would consider an early “blogger”. One of his formats (other than books and publishing his highly regarded “Dictionary of the English Language”) was the publication of pamphlets.  Short essays on topics of the day and ideas about whatever was on his mind became his literary platform.  Through this printed medium, he also invited others to be “guest” authors (guest bloggers?) and later compiled and published these writings under his work entitled “Rambler”. It contains both his work and that of those guest writers. Rather like taking a series of articles or blog posts and publishing them as a book today.  I found this to be an extraordinary example of how authors have always functioned, individually and as a community.

It may seem on the surface that things have simply become easier and they have in almost all aspects.  Because we do not have to wait any longer for type-setters and printers and for ink to dry and for papers to be hand-carried and delivered we are able to spread our message with lightening speed.  We are able to share our thoughts and ideas almost instantly. And because we now have so much information to process, we cannot afford the same level of verbosity. The reader’s attention span has decreased rather than increased as a direct result of so much information being available.  That means we must craft our messages quickly, concisely and effectively for them to be heard.

In studying Samuel Johnson and going through some of the essays, I came across this statement, which I found to be a wonderful description of what authors do:

 “The task of an author is, either to teach what is not known, or to recommend known truths by his manner of adorning them; either to let new light in upon the mind, and open new scenes to the prospect, or to vary the dress and situation of common objects, so as to give them fresh grace and more powerful attractions, to spread such flowers over the regions through which the intellect has already made its progress, as may tempt it to return, and take a second view of things hastily passed over, or negligently regarded.”

Today, not many would fully absorb this or understand the essence of it.  Here is how we might craft this thought today:

 “The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things familiar and familiar things new.”

It is interesting that the distilling of the thing is sometimes what reveals its truth.  Sometimes the real power of writing lies in the editing.  Rather like life.

What is your FTL?

FTL – Your Failure Tolerance Level.  Do you know what it is?  Do you know WHY it’s at that level? In researching the traits that make the transition from executive to entrepreneur possible, one of the primary areas that kept appearing was the whole concept of failure.  Most corporate environments do not encourage failure.  Starting with our educational system and moving into a corporate environment, we get “failure avoidance” tattoed into our business DNA.  And if you do fail, your primary objective is to make sure that either no one finds out or that if they do, you are not seen as the person responsible.  The result can be that we allow that perspective to shift our own creative set point mentally and emotionally.  It explains why some research shows that even though over 50% of corporate executives say they think they would prefer an entreprenuerial venture, only 30% of that group (or 15% of the total group) will actually make the leap.  They rationally know that failure is part of success.  And since they are highly evolved in the area of failure avoidance – they also end up avoiding success.  

If this is what is holding you back, one of the best people out there for you to latch on to is Seth Godin.  He is the thought leader of several generations on the subject of change in our marketplace and our lives.  And on this particulary topic, he delivers pure gold in his book Poke the Box.  Here’s what he has to say:

“Imagine that the world had no middlemen, no publishers, no bosses, no HR folks, no one telling you what you couldn’t do.

If you lived in that world, what would you do?

Go. Do that.”

Take the next 20 minutes and invest in raising your FTL  – and maybe, just maybe, change your world.  Ready?  Go. 

The 3 R’s Revisited

What skills does it take to be successful today?  With so many changes in the way we conduct our business and lives, it would seem that there must be a significantly different profile of required skills to be successful.  And there would be some truth in that belief given the impact of a more global economy and the ever increasing integration of technologies into how we do things.  But it some cases, the basics remain the same.  For my generation (and a few before mine…) we grew up focused initially on the three R’s – Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic..  If you could read, write and do basic math you had the necessary skills as a foundation to function as a member of society.  Even with higher education, it was really just creating or achieving significant mastery in some discipline that you still acquired through the application of those basic skills.

What I find interesting is stepping back and looking at some of the basics we’ve adopted and depended on up until now to see if the role and/or discipline has changed.  And, if so, how to not just adopt but also adapt.

Here’s what I think the three R’s look like today:

#1 – Reading = Research    

A key skill today that applies the basic reading and comprehension skill is research.  There is an overwhelming amount of information available to us.  Being able to find, analyze and absorb data and convert it into meaningful information is a fundamental skill for anyone wanting to achieve success in today’s business environment.   And where this takes on that same evergreen quality that reading has held for so many generations beyond the vast amount of information is the velocity of change in that information.  What we research today will need to be re-visited again.  Perhaps as soon as tomorrow.

#2 – wRiting = Rehearsal

Think about where the highest paid professions are and you will soon realize that they are in fields that spend far more hours rehearsing than they do performing.  The highest paid or most productive “time” is optimized through the refinement of the product or service.  Whether at the level of a (business) plan, marketing messages or surveys, focus groups or any number of examples that can be brought into the discussion the key is first putting it on paper – even if the paper is virtual.  Writing has become planning.  The draft of the reality before launching officially in the market.  We refine and edit.   It has in fact become a way of scripting success.

#3 – aRithmetic = Review

The numbers still tell the story but it’s about more than financial numbers today.  It’s about metrics and any number of measurements that tell us whether we are hitting our intended mark.  Think about the fact that the essence of music is math.  When a note is off, when one instrument is out of rhythm, it impacts the whole.  It is the same today with the numbers of business.  There are many divergent lines in the mix but to be successful, the whole must be in harmony.  Reviewing all of the numbers related to performance tells us if we’re on track.

These three elements can be used to create an effective framework that generates excellence in any business or other endeavor.

Think about your particular business:

  • What should be routinely researched?
  • Are you rehearsing the right things at the right times in order to set your company up for success?
  • Are you reviewing every aspect of performance and then going back to research and rehearse where you find room for growth?

This is a good example of what the art of possibility embodies.  Re-framing what we know so that we can apply knowledge in the most meaningful way for today.