Has life brought you more than you expected? Does it seem like surprises are arriving at every turn? Does this sound familiar?
___ I did not expect to be here at this point in life. I thought things would be easier by now.
___ My future isn’t clear anymore. I really have no idea what to do next.
___ The rules have changed and I’m not sure what my life is about anymore.
___ My future isn’t clear anymore. I really have no idea what to do next.
___ The rules have changed and I’m not sure what my life is about anymore.
Don’t settle for a life limited by fear and worry. You are meant for more. You can look forward to the future with confidence. Begin today building a new life, a full life; a life that serves you as you serve others.
There’s a certain moment in every memorable journey, often recognized only in hindsight, when the trip you are on presents itself, and the one you thought you were taking or had planned is jettisoned. It’s then that you begin really traveling, not merely touring.
- Andrew McCarthy
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Engage with me in a conspiracy of love!
December 18, 2022 By Kathi Laughman
Filed Under: Inspiration & Creativity, Personal thoughts & insights, Winds of Change Tagged With: Christmas, Hamilton Wright Mabie, love