The results are in!

It could be said that we have moved from the industrial age to the information age and have now arrived at the age of influence.  Everywhere you turn, you are not just asked to buy something, you are also asked to review it.  And if the review is favorable, you’ve endorsed the product, and by association, its maker.  Because this practice is so prevalent, it also drives us to search out the opinions of others ourselves before we buy.  Whatever work you do, there is now a need to produce some form of social proof that it does what it purports to do.  Even if that is education or entertainment.

This requires a great deal of transparency when the value of what you do is demonstrated by another person’s results.  When working as a possibility coach, I know that the engagement of the client is what will deliver a successful outcome.  As an author in that same area of thought leadership, the value is going to come from how someone applies what they read.  There is no “true to color or size” or “operates as advertised”.  That shifts how social proof is going to look and sound.

To get feedback that is meaningful, we need to be open to (even seek) several responses.  The one we desire (simply because we’re human) is that they loved the work and cannot wait to recommend it and take advantage of what we bring to market next.  That’s always the goal.  But it’s not always the result.

Another response could be that they are confused.  The message wasn’t clear.  Here is an opportunity for genuine feedback to improve our ability to present the message.  These responders are extremely valuable simply because they themselves are willing to be transparent in their reaction.  It takes courage to say that something isn’t clear.  We need to listen carefully to these members of our community.

We can also spark disagreement and find those that would argue against our ideas or position.  These responders are valuable because dialogue is always a good place for discovery.  The key in these situations is to keep the discussion on topic and shrouded always in respect.

Regardless of which of these types of response we receive, the key is not just seeking the feedback of our audience but also listening to it and responding.  Response does not equal a change in message.  In fact, usually it will not.  But with critical thinking and meaningful dialogue, our voices can soften or sharpen and our words will blossom more fully in their form and function.

One last word on the subject of feedback:  Don’t just expect it – give it!  Those that give first, often receive best.  Always remember that a candle loses nothing of its own light just because it lights another.