Has life brought you more than you expected? Does it seem like surprises are arriving at every turn? Does this sound familiar?

___ I did not expect to be here at this point in life. I thought things would be easier by now.

___ My future isn’t clear anymore. I really have no idea what to do next.

___ The rules have changed and I’m not sure what my life is about anymore.

Don’t settle for a life limited by fear and worry. You are meant for more. You can look forward to the future with confidence. Begin today building a new life, a full life; a life that serves you as you serve others.

There’s a certain moment in every memorable journey, often recognized only in hindsight, when the trip you are on presents itself, and the one you thought you were taking or had planned is jettisoned. It’s then that you begin really traveling, not merely touring.

- Andrew McCarthy

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What will you never outgrow?

At a recent conference, one of the keynote speakers shared lessons he learned from Coach Don Meyer, a much loved and respected college basketball coach who left an indelible mark on everyone that knew him.

There were three key rules that Coach Meyer lived by and expected his teams to honor as well. They seem simple when you first hear them but great depth is within them.

He said that he was resolved to never outgrow by any titles or status he may have achieved, the mindset of these three rules. Throughout his life, and because of him, countless other lives, they were a guiding compass for always knowing the next right thing to do.

The first rule was that everybody takes notes. We are never finished learning and growing. We all need to pay attention and take notes. What works, what doesn’t work. Champions pay attention and they take notes. They stay in development mode always.

His second rule was simply this: Everybody says please and thank you. Everyone to everyone. We are always living from a state of grace. Everyone merits respect. Everyone.

When it came to the third rule, I will admit that it wasn’t what I expected but after reflection it made perfect sense: Everybody picks up the trash. We are all responsible to leave wherever we are better than we found it. We are all responsible to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Even if that is picking up the trash.

One of my favorite quotes from him came from that third rule. He said that picking up trash didn’t win any titles but every title they ever won came from the fact that they picked up the trash. They always did whatever it took and they left every game better than when they arrived.

It begs the question for all of us of what our guiding principles might be. What are we resolved to never outgrow? If the answer is lacking, that question is the right place to start. It’s the next right thing to do. And Coach Meyer’s rules might just be a worthy launching point.

There were many legacy teaching moments throughout the conference. It was a compelling reminder that our influence goes well beyond our breath. Another memorable moment for me came from Tom Ziglar, son of Zig Ziglar, one of my Dad’s personal heroes as well as my own. Tom shared this: “Legacy is a transference of habit.”

Such a clear way to think about the legacy we are living. What habits are we transferring? Coach Meyer’s life practices and habits are embedded within his rules: Growth, Gratitude and Grit.

This was my first encounter with Coach Meyer’s story.  If you (like me) want to know more, you can learn about his life and legacy here.

If you’d like to explore your own life and legacy, we’re here for you. As your possibility partner, we are committed to helping you achieve more from the rest of your own story than you ever dreamed possible.

Live today like you want tomorrow to be. Live well.