What word do you see?

Success-FailureOne of my favorite thoughts about perspective comes from French novelist Marcel Proust: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in making new landscapes but in having new eyes.”

Wayne Dyer says it this way: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” What I love about this truth is that it is both philosophical and practical.

From a philosophical point of view, it can compel us to see what binds us together rather than what drives us apart. From a practical point of view, it drives us to see a new purpose for talents and resources.

To see something new, we have to be open to seeing things another way. Success and failure are both there. What I see is up to me.

And what I see, will be reflected in what I do.

Live today like you want tomorrow to be.

The gift of a day…

AbracadabraThis post originally published here on my blog on May 11, 2013. Since then I have read the book mentioned a second time and it continues to speak to me with each reading. There are a few books in my library where that is true.

I read Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist at the end of every December as my last book of the year. It also continues to speak to me. I’ve been giving thought lately to the power of books in my life. As Charlie “Tremendous” Jones taught us: The progress we make is largely going to be the result of the people we meet and the books we read.

Because of technology platforms, we also can take in information, sights and sounds that have the capacity to move us, to inspire us on our journey. That’s also something this post highlights through the video that is shared. You may have already seen it but it’s another one of those pieces where we can gain something from each experience of it.

And so I share it all with you again. Because today is not just another day. It is the one day that is given to you today.

Live well.

Live today like you want tomorrow to be.

Typically, I know within the first few pages of a book when I begin reading if it’s going to move me to an experience that transforms.

It certainly doesn’t happen with every book, even some that I immensely enjoy.  But there is something, sometimes that goes directly to the soul.

I started a new book this morning that may become one of those books.  If the first chapter is any indication, it will be.  It is Greater by Steven Furtick.  It’s about spirituality and purpose which is something of high priority for me but it’s also quite contemporary in terms of context which is very refreshing.

One line from the first few pages leapt out and really did stop my eyes in their tracks.  He said that “The thing is, most believers aren’t in imminent danger of ruining their lives. They’re facing a danger that’s far greater: wasting them.”  The fundamental truth of that should inspire all of us to guard against it.

As I meet people when I speak or in my interactions as a life coach, it has become more and more clear that we have this desire to focus on the long term, the big picture.  And that is important.  There is no doubt that we have to have a vision.  But we must also remember that the vision has to be refined and experienced every day.  Because that’s where lives change.  Not what we want to accomplish a year from now, what we’re doing today.  Today is the gift.  Not next year, not even tomorrow, today.  As we look at calendars, to-do lists and schedules it is what we must be mindful of every moment.  We can have grand plans for the coming year and yet waste today.  So that is where we begin.  Today.  I believe that if we want to live our best lives, we must live our best days.

Recently, I came across a video I had seen before but this time it lingered with me.  And when I read Steven Furtick’s words this morning it came rushing back and I had to find it and watch it again.  It’s a wonderful inspirational piece about gratitude and the gift of time and place.

Here are the opening words:

“You think this is just another day in your life.

It’s not just another day.

It’s the one day that is given to you today.

It’s given to you. It’s a gift.

It’s the only gift that you have right now.

And the only appropriate response is gratefulness.”



The miracle of perspective: The beauty of change in progress

If we go back to the beginning of this year and play the movie we created with our lives, there will be moments that stand out. And there will be moments our memory may miss. Those moments are still there, they just weren’t captured as vividly. But each in their own way contributed to where we are now. Sometimes the best way to fully understand the depth and beauty of our growth is to think of our life using time lapse photography as a guide.

The video shared below can help. Experience the beauty of change with this incredible time lapse photography project from Czech Republic-based photographer Katka Pruskova.

Coaching insight: Imagine that this reflects our journey of personal growth.  We open up to our world by degrees but there is beauty at every mark in the journey. Whatever our experiences have been this past year, they have contributed to our life today. Each day we lived, we were moving forward in the sequence of growth.

Now imagine that you have the ability to influence and create that change. Because you do. While these images are insightful, the most significant difference is that the flower had no choice; it could and did only react to pre-destined DNA and its environment. We on the other hand have a choice. Every day. Every moment.

What will you choose?

Live well.

Live today like you want tomorrow to be.


What’s in a word: Magic or mindset?

make it happen conceptWhat’s in a word? Sometimes quite a bit. Words are powerful. They can be tools that build or weapons that destroy.

Did you know that the word abracadabra used by magicians has its origins in a phrase that means: “I create as I speak”?

We can use words to create our best life and experiences. We can speak and make it happen.

Here are some words that can help us create as we speak:

“Begin with the end in mind.” That’s your strategy.

“Live today like you want tomorrow to be.” That’s your success formula.

These two series of words allow us to experience a fulfilled life that enriches us and many generations to follow. Our signature “abracadabra”.

Another foundational practice with words is selecting a guidance or focus word each year for the coming twelve months. This is not just a random word. Its selection is very deliberate. It could be in response to the previous year or it might be in preparation for the coming year. Perhaps even a combination of the two.

For example, the year that my guidance word was gratitude I was going through a health challenge. My decision to focus on gratitude was significant. Being thankful and seeing life through the lens of grace can and does change your perspective about everything!

Why does it work? Because it goes beyond the word as it “speaks” and changes our mindset. We are choosing a mindset represented by a word. That mindset creates our reality by controlling our perception. When I approach life everyday from the perspective of gratitude, I see everything I have for which I’m grateful. Wayne Dyer expresses it in these words: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Imagine that you have always operated within what you thought were reasonable limits. Now imagine that believe is the guidance word you adopt. The mindset you accept is to believe in yourself wholly and without reservation. The result is going to be astonishing. I have witnessed this first hand with great joy for one particular friend in 2014.

With each passing year, as the dimension of my life continues to deepen I find that my expectations grow higher in this practice. As I am reflecting on this past year and looking forward to 2015, there are three words that continue to float to the surface: Focus, Finish, First. The personal meaning for each of them is clear to me. So clear in fact that for 2015, I may adopt three guidance words vs. one. It may be a first!

What about you? Is this a practice you employ? If not, consider adding this to your personal leadership quest for 2015. If a year seems overwhelming, try choosing something for 30 days and then just continue.

Don’t worry if more than one word comes to mind. Write them down. Put them on 3 x 5 cards or sticky notes. Keep them in front of you every day for awhile. See which ones continue to really resonate. Then begin to ask yourself how your life will change if you make that guidance word your chosen mindset. Is that the growth you seek? Is that the legacy you want to live? If so, you’ll come to a place of peace for that decision.

Don’t be alarmed if a surprise word comes into the picture. The word FIRST was a surprise to me. But it’s perhaps the most important of the three I’m living with for now. Because FIRST for me is about leaving my comfort zone. It’s about giving me permission to explore and try new things in my life. Rather exciting when you think about it!

So what’s in a word? Whatever you choose for it to be. Choose wisely! And then get ready for magic!

Begin with the end in mind. Then choose today what you want tomorrow to be.  Then live that.

Live well.

3 Ways Being Strategic Reduces Stress

this way, that way, another way illustrationThere are some words that over time get lost in the clutter of all of the messages we receive. One of those words is strategy. Be strategic! Be intentional! Be purposeful! Each of those admonitions is great advice. But what do they mean? We need to explore beyond the sound bites and be certain that we understand what it means to apply the knowledge.

Working as a master strategist over the past decade, the concept of strategy has proven time and time again to be much simpler than you might think. It comes down to this: Begin with the end in mind. When we employ strategy, it goes beyond the plan. It goes all the way to the end, to the outcome. Begin with the end in mind.

Think of it like reverse engineering. First you determine what you’re building. Then you work backwards to develop the right sequence of steps to get you there. When you do that, you are being strategic. You know what you are going to need and when you are going to need it. You know what you need to do and when you need to do it. Beyond that, you know why.

If the question is this: What should I do today?  The answer is this: What do you want to be/have tomorrow? Within the answer to the second question is your answer for the first. That is why our coaching programs focus on living today like you want tomorrow to be. And that is where the true magic of strategy serves us.

Being strategic goes beyond being your guide in how you plan. It goes to how you live. Let’s look at three ways we experience stress in our lives and see how being strategic can reduce and even eliminate that stress for us.

#1 – The Art of the No

We all struggle with this, particularly women. We find it stressful to say no because we aren’t comfortable with when and how to say no. Let me share with you what Michael E. Porter (Harvard Business Review) who is considered by many a modern day Father of Strategy has to say on this subject. When asked to define strategy, his response was this: “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” I found that very insightful. Being strategic is in fact a giant filter. It gets rid of the clutter in the way of getting to the end.

When we begin with the end in mind, we know what will take us there and what will not and we can focus there. We can also use that context when choosing what not to do.  For many years I have employed this simple principle: “Don’t say no, say how.”  It sounds simple but it’s really a way of vetting your options. Can I do this? Yes- if you do A,B or C or perhaps if you do not do A, B or C. It creates a choice instead of a “NO”. One of the most effective sales techniques ever employed is giving customers options for purchase.  Would you like A, B or C? They are instinctively drawn to choosing one of the offers provided vs. just Do you want A? Yes or No.

Apply that in your life. Someone asks you to serve on a committee that is going to mean a commitment of your time. Is that going to serve your “end in mind” strategy? If yes, you have your answer. If not, then the choice is to either take on the new responsibility and sacrifice momentum or stay focused on the strategy you have in place. When responding, it is now within a context for you and for the person that offered you the opportunity. Now you have the opportunity to make them aware of what you are working toward as well. It may very well be that there is a masked opportunity in play that you would not have seen without that specific conversation.

#2 – The Actions of the Day

The second place we experience stress is when we fail to live up to our promises to ourselves. Any time we move out of integrity (say one thing – do another) it introduces stress. Who we are vs. what we do is the ultimate generator or dissipater of stress. It’s about the tough things we have to do every day to move us to that “end in mind” state. If we don’t start with that vision, we will soon find ourselves losing steam when the work that needs to be done isn’t recognized as important, even vital.

We all feel better about ourselves when we have the satisfaction of knowing we’ve done what we said we would do. It’s about self-discipline, one of the hardest disciplines to achieve. Personal leadership expert Brian Tracy defines discipline with these six words: Do what you resolve to do. I love that. So very close to my definition of strategy: Begin with the end in mind. They are in fact the same fundamental principal. One serves the other.

The planning of our days becomes straight forward. The actions of our days become deliberate. As a result, we reduce the stress of continuous choice. The decisions are already made. We are now just living them out. The former editor of Fortune magazine Alvin Toffler offers this advice: “You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.”

#3 – The Disruptions of the Day

Here is perhaps the most important place to consider when reviewing the true value of strategy. Each of us faces disruption in our lives. Sometimes they are significant events such as death, divorce, even disease. Even if not happening directly to us, when they happen to someone close to us it will still impact us. But it goes beyond those larger disruptions to include some that might not seem as significant but still disrupt our path. Your car doesn’t start, the plumbing picks the absolute worst time to stop working, your computer has turned into an alien machine – so many opportunities for stress to burst onto the scene and distract us from our path.

When we operate from the perspective of what we are living toward instead of what we are living through it makes all the difference. Within that framework we are always able to find contingencies and resources will be at the ready.  We can see disruptions in a different light. Where is the lesson? Where is the door? In so many cases, what starts out as a disruption is in fact a new opening on the path.

The next time you find yourself struggling with saying no, lacking purpose in your day-to-day activities or derailed by disruptions, remember that you have a different choice. You can choose to live today like you want tomorrow to be. You can choose to begin right now with the end in mind. You can. I have faith in you. You will.

Live well.

What is easier than you think? Having it all!


Most of us have given it thought.  Most of us have even talked about it, dreamed about it.  But if pressed, most of us would probably admit that deep down, we don’t really believe in it.

What am I talking about? The idea of having it all:  Great health, a vibrant community life, a nurturing intimate circle, meaningful work, a secure future. Somehow, we’ve accepted the limitation that something has to give.

Certainly this was the case for me. But my belief did in fact change. And once the belief changed, everything changed. The change in my belief didn’t happen as a starburst.  There was no magical moment.  No wands were involved!  In fact, assembly was required. Because before I could get to that place of knowing, I had to be willing to let go of some very comfortable excuses.  And I had to re-focus myself in areas that supported a better result.

Think of it like being a farmer.  Our life isn’t the plants, the rain or the sunshine.  Our life is the soil.  We have to get the soil right before anything else can really flourish. Oh a few plants can come through, even thrive.  But they have to work so much harder and they zap all of the available energy resulting in a very sparse garden. I learned that if I focused on taking care of the soil, the rest became much easier.

How exactly do you do that? It’s not what you might expect.  It certainly wasn’t what I expected.  But I did find 5 keys that are serving me and the results have really been astonishing.  Curious? Good! That is one of the keys!

keysThat’s right! The first key is to have a curious expectation.  When you have a curious expectation, you are anticipating.  That means you are scanning and searching and moments that matter are not going to pass you by.  You were looking for them.  You expected them.  Even before you knew what they would be.

The second key is to practice having a joyful response to everything in life.  That can be a tough thing to do.  Not everything that happens around us is wonderful.  Everything does, however hold the potential to bring something wonderful for or from us.  And there is the joy.  If we see the thing that happens as a bearer of a gift, we look past the pain to see the gift.  Gratitude is another way of describing this.  But it’s an essential key.

There you have the foundation: curious expectation and a joyful response.  Perspective and mindset.

What’s at the center? The third key is being connected in the moment. This is what I believe is the essence of what we think of as balance in our life.  If you ARE wherever you are, then you are balanced.  You are aware, you are centered and you are actively engaged.  That’s balanced.  Balance isn’t that everything is equal.  Balance is that everything is working together.  It is also the epicenter of “having it all”.  What is the point of having anything if you can’t experience and enjoy it?

What is the key to connecting? Consider that it just might be disconnecting.  That’s right.  You can’t be where you are if your mind or your heart are somewhere else.  I once heard someone say that for a vacation to be a real holiday, it needed to be more than a change in geography.  So true!  If you are just physically showing up, then you can’t possibly connect to where you are.   This is written here from the perspective of place but it applies across relationships as well; personal, professional and everything in between!

The last two keys are a bit more pragmatic but just as important. The fourth key is to begin early and the fifth key is to develop sustainable energy.  You need to start early and be able to go long.  That takes energy.  Going back to our analogy of life as the soil, it means there has to be some slow release nutrients involved.  How do you do this? By taking care of yourself first.

In Robin Sharma’s success programs, one of the actions he encourages people to take is to start their day at 5:00 am.  My initial reaction was skeptical.  I didn’t see how that would make a difference; we’re not all morning people after all.  What I’ve learned is that it’s less about the hour and more about the sacredness of personal time.  Most of us do start our days at 7:00 or 8:00.  And we’re starting when everyone else is starting.  It’s much more challenging to protect that sacred space we all need for thought, for introspection, for prayer, for centering.  Following his advice, amazing changes started happening with my productivity and my overall sense of well being.  Why? Because I had created that space for myself and let my own vision create the day before it began.

The power that comes from that personal focus also delivers a longer burn for energy.  But we still need to keep the fires going.  And that’s where our personal habits come into the equation.  When we eat well, when we move, when we rest well – all of that works together to make our bodies run efficiently.  Unfortunately, it’s one of the first places where we deny ourselves.  We don’t “have the time” or “the money” or “the energy”. Sound familiar? I didn’t think I did either.  Until I ran out of all of them because I didn’t take the time, invest the money or cherish the energy.  There is nothing more precious we can give ourselves than the energy to do the things we want to do; the things we must do.

These are my five keys. Perhaps they are yours as well.  If you already “have it all” I salute you.  But if not, here’s my challenge: pick just one and work on it over the next 30 days, see how things shift for you.  Imagine that you have it all now but that the picture is just out of focus so you can’t see it.  With each of these five keys, you sharpen the focus. Once focused, your life is exactly the vision you imagined it could be.

Crave what’s next, practice gratitude, be connected, start early and take care of yourself along the way.

Sound good? It’s going to feel even better!

Enjoy the journey.  Begin now. Live today like you want tomorrow to be.